Tips to study in Complutense

Currently Spanish Universities are going through an addaptation in the educational system. This convergence plan to achieve an European Higher Education Area is known as Bologna Process. In Spain, universities started to put this process in practice in 2009-2010.

In the old system, a degree (Licenciatura) lasted 5 years and it was divided in two blocks: 1st, 2nd and 3rd academic years belong to the first block (known as Ciclo in Spanish); 4th and 5thacademic years belong to the second block or ciclo. Graduate studies (master, research, doctorate, post-graduate…) belong to the third block. 

In this new European System, degrees are called Grado and last 4 years. This new system is also more similar to the United States higher education system, so it will be easier for you to understand. Courses have a more theorical-practical focus than they had before, all courses are 6 crédits, because all have the same number of lesson hours, and all of them last one semester. 

Students from the University of California are not allowed to register in courses that belong to the first academic year of the major in the Complutense University. Courses that belong to the second academic year are not recommended because the subject could be too general to be adapted to your major. 

Be careful not to choose an annual course if your stay only last the fall period. If you drop an annual course before you do the final exam, you will loose all the units from both semesters.

The Complutense University has a very wide schedule opportunity for students from UC, because you do not have to follow rules regarding to academic plans or last name to register. You can choose from many faculties, degrees and academic years. You can design the timetable as you want. Some degrees even offer the same course with the same proffesor in the morning and in the afternoon.

When final periods, the university appoints official dates for each course. Courses that have lessons with the same proffesor during morning and afternoon period will also offer the chance to make the final in those two periods in the official day. Be careful if you decide to attend to a final in other period that is not yours because maybe that proffesor does not make both finals. 
The official final exams’ dates are february and june.


-        Given the special circumnstances to register that you have as an abroad student, try to take advantage of it!!! You will have almost two weeks to try courses and professors.

-        The first day of class is important because the professor explains how it is going to be the course, the evaluation and will also hand out the syllabus. Try not to miss this days if you are not sure about your courses. If you are not able to attend, ask an spanish classmate about all this, this student will be happy to answer you. Don´t be ashamed!!

-        Often go to class. It´s good that the proffesor attaches your face to your papers or exams. 

-        In the case you choose a course in a Grado or a test course called curso piloto assistance is MANDATORY.  

-        Professor in Complutense often ask for a class file or ficha where you write down your name, last name, major, course, adress and with an attached picture. It is very important that you do hand out this file.

-        You can also visit the proffesor in his/her office sometimes. They will have a tutoring schedule in which they will be available. Feel free to go and answer any question. 

-        Even if is better that you have your onw class notes, ask a spanish classmate for notes to compare with yours to study for the final.

-        After your final, your califications will be shown in the noticeboard of the Department of the course you were taking. It is compulsory for the professor to appoint a date so students can go and see their exams. This is called revisión de examen. It is very useful that you go and see what you did right and wrong.